Are you using sunbeds? Here are some facts probably nobody has told you about!
Indoor tanning is often the best answer when you lack sun, when you want to improve your look or boost your mood on a cloudy day. However, there are a few things you should know before you lay down on a sunbed and switch the tanning mode on. The key to enjoying the benefits of the tanning beds to the fullest is using them reasonably and knowing what may cause some trouble. This article sums up the issues you have probably passed over when enjoying your last sunbed tanning session.
The pregame matters
To enjoy the tanning effects after the tanning session, be sure you make it right before it. Here are a few tips to follow:
- Give your skin a scrub. Exfoliation ensures your skin is free from dead skin cells and it opens up to absorbing UV rays more effectively, thereby helping you obtain a more even color.
- Do you tend to be allergic? Is your skin prone to irritations? Skip using deodorants and perfumes before using sunbeds.
- Get you face naked. No make-up is necessary for your face to give it an even, lovely sun-kissed look. Remove your make-up at home or at the tanning salon (they should have a make-up removing lotion and cotton pads). Professional salon supplies by Onyx - effective and full of skin-calming ingredients professional make up remover.
- Do not use oils or any other skin care products which are not meant to be used for indoor tanning. If not used in accordance with the directions, they can do harm to your skin and the tanning equipment. You are not sure if the product you take with you to the tanning session is the right one? Leave us a question or visit our online store and be sure you are choosing from bronzers and intensifiers which work to enhance your dream tan effect and take care of your skin. Just click here https://www.onyxtan.eu/.
- You can tan naked or wearing your favorite bikini or simply your underwear. No matter what you wear (or if you hate tanlines and wear nothing), your eyes should be protected with professional goggles.
Is your tan ready? Perfect! But please do not underestimate the power of a proper after-tan care and keeping your skin deeply moisturized and nourished with an after-tan lotion which works really well as a daily-care product: https://www.onyxtan.eu/products/body-tender-after-tanning?variant=22046205280338.
No, Babe, you can't tan
Let's put it bluntly: some people can't get some tan sometimes. We gathered some of the contraindications to tanning or excessive tanning. Please feel free to treat is like a checklist to go through before you use a sunbed.
According to the Fitzpatrick scale, also known as Fitzpatrick skin typing test, the world-wide know and widely used classification schema for human skin color, there are six major skin types:
- Type I (scores 0–6) always burns, never tans (palest; freckles).
- Type II (scores 7–13) usually burns, tans minimally
- Type III (scores 14–20) sometimes mild burn, tans uniformly
- Type IV (scores 21–27) burns minimally, always tans well (moderate brown)
- Type V (scores 28–34) very rarely burns, tans very easily (dark brown)
- Type VI (scores 35–36) never burns (deeply pigmented dark brown to darkest brown)
[Source: Wikipedia / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzpatrick_scale]
- If you can see marks, moles or hyperpigmentation areas on your skin, especially those increasing in size or number, pay special attention to them. Often these marks require medical attention and constitute a serious contraindication to tanning.
- If you are allergic to UV light, a tanning studio is not a right place for you.3
- Are you struggling with acne or other skin disorders or diseases? Get medical advice, and treatment if needed, before you use a sunbed.
- It is a bad idea to tan indoors or outdoors when you have any freshly-made tattoos, permanent make-up or unhealed wounds.
- In many countries indoor tanning is forbidden for underage people.
- You must not use tanning beds during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Subfebrile state, fever, the flu, respiratory or circulatory disorders or any other serious diseases are some of the key contraindications to tanning.
- When receiving any active cosmetic treatments, including chemical exfoliation processes, bleaching or hair removal, do not use sunbeds until your skin heals completely.
- Food or cosmetics enriched with photosentizers, such as hypericum, wood tar or hydroxylic acids, often lead to skin problems when using sunbeds.
Full list of photosentisizing agents, as well as other contridications, is available at the FDA official website.
If you do not suffer from any disorders or problems from the list above, you should still remember that tan skin deserves a special treatment. To protect it against drying and premature aging, you should use professional lotions. All of our products are packed with skin nourishing agents and keep your skin healthy-looking. Here are some of our suggestions, the choice is yours.
VIBE – natural intensifier
- Coconut Oil for proper hydration
- Olive Oil takes care of dry skin
- Argan Oil improves skin softness and helps fight signs of aging
- Cupuacu Butter makes skin wonderfully nourished
- Tea Tree Oil improves skin softness
BLACK CAVIAR – black bronzer
- The most unpredictable lavish bronzing power we have ever created
- Majestic Multi-X Bronzing Complex for supreme darker and longer lasting results
- Strong antioxidant power of Walnut, Hemp and Shea Butter
- Caffeine, Coenzyme A and Coconut Oil for skin firmness
AMUSE – white bronzer
- Red algae extract helps keep skin soft and hydrated
- Gold algae extract protects skin's DNA and improves skin nourishment
- Brown algae extract, rich in antioxidants, delays signs of aging
- Skin conditioning vitamin fusion (E + C + B3)