How to get the best tan faster?
If you are here, it clearly means that you are too busy to tan regularly or you spend most of the day indoors. It is likely that you have also experienced some self-tan fails with a random drugstore bronzer or a self-tanning mist. The good news is that here you will find tanning tips and tricks which really work and have been tested by genuine tanning experts. So, if it is time to make your tan dreams come true, please keep on reading.
Let us start by defining what should be avoided at all costs when tanning. First of all, do not go overboard. Good things just take time and such is the case with your dream sun-kissed complexion. If you force your tan, you are more than likely to get sunburned and your skin will look terrible and this is definitely not what you expect. Instead, plan your tanning routine in advance. When you use sunbeds, schedule your sessions with about 48-hours intervals so that your skin can fully recover. When you opt for spending hours on a sun lounger, try to avoid sunbathing around noon, when the sun is usually the brightest. And whenever you decide for a self-tan at home, make sure your skin is prepared well enough and the process of applying the self tanner is not being done in a rush.
Okay, but most probably you are here because there is an upcoming event very soon in your life. Maybe you have just purchased a neon yellow summer dress which goes well only with a sun-kissed skin... We have a few tricks to get your dream tan in a few days or in just in a few hours.
We bet there is. But before you go there be sure to check the reviews to make sure the equipment and service are professional. Once you schedule an appointment, please bear in mind the rule of safe tanning explained above. Assuming that you can only have two or three tanning sessions, you may be afraid whether it's enough to obtain the off-the-beach result. And here comes our top tip: if there is anything that can help you boost your tan in such a short time and in a really safe way, this is a professional sunbed cream. How does it work? Well, as a rule we split such products into two major categories: bronzers and accelerators. While the former enhances the color of your tan with the use of carefully selected bronzing ingredients, the latter stimulates your skin to tan faster, mainly due to increasing the melanin production. Some tanners tend to underestimate the power of such products, whereas it has been proved that a sunbed cream can help you obtain the same result as with a longer exposure to UV light. In other words, a shorter sunbed session supported with a bronzer or an intensifier is enough to enjoy a really dark tan effect. While these two types of indoor tanning lotions should be an essential part of every sunbed session, it is worth noting that for special assignments you can use products equipped with some extra tan-enhancing powers. The first type can be defined as bronzing intensifiers. What is unique about them is that they combine the properties of both bronzers and intensifiers. By the same token, they act twofold: while your skin is stimulated to produce melanin more intensively, the tanning effect is being empowered and your tan is getting darker than before. Another way to get an extra boost of color is using our bestselling lotions called Black Bronzers, for example Black Caviar or Black Cashmere. With the use of any of them you can see darker results in a blink of an eye, no matter how long the tanning session is. A similar effect is obtainable with TS, our revolutionary tanning serum enriched with multiple tan boosting agents. And finally, if your skin reacts well to products with a warming effect, you can grab a bottle of a tingle lotion. Skin reddening and itching are the signals of the tanning process taking place more intensively than ever before. With all these lotions you can be sure that the dream tan effects will be visible even with a limited number of tanning sessions.
Let's stick to the last-minute scenario and imagine you can't (or you don't want to) tan outdoors or use sunbeds. What is left in such a situation, with your skin looking so pale? The answer is: a self-tanner. But don't leap at a product you cannot trust. Choose wisely, paying special attention to the formula, way of application and skincare benefits. With the No-Lie Natural Self-Tanning Mousse you can be sure of all of these. We are lucky to hear that our customers have finally found a bronzing foam which is easy to apply and smells so yummy, in contrast to many other sunless products. Our No-Lie Mousse is literally packed with 100% natural and organic ingredients to give your skin the tan and skincare it deserves. And what is crucial in a situation when you're pushed for time, it takes only a few hours to see the perfectly even and bronze tan on our skin.
Finally, please remember that your tan is the prettiest when your skin is well taken care of. For this reason, remember to moisturize it after tanning, no matter what type of it you decide to choose. And if you have any questions regarding tanning or after-tan care, don't hesitate to contact us.