My First Visit to a Tanning Salon
The first visit to a tanning salon may turn out to be a stressful experience if you lack proper knowledge. The most commonly asked questions concern the time and frequency of tanning sessions, as well as the cosmetics for indoor tanning. Below you can find 10 rules you should follow during every tanning session, but especially during the first one.
One day before tanning scrub your entire body in order to get rid of dead skin cells. As a result, your tan will last longer.
The day you are going to tan, do not use any antiperspirants or perfumes in order to avoid an allergic reaction.
Remove your makeup carefully. You can do it at home, using your own cosmetics, or you can ask for makeup remover at the tanning salon.
Let the staff know that this is your first visit to a tanning salon. They should give you advice on how to choose the right bed, duration of the session and tanning cosmetics.
Do not use any oils or any other cosmetics that are not meant for sunbed tanning as it may irritate your skin and damage the tanning bed.
You can tan either naked or wearing your bikini or underwear. But remember to wear eye protective goggles to protect your eyes.
If you are prone to excessive sweating, wipe off the tanning bed after you finish. Leaving a blotch of sweat is simply not good manners.
For the same reason as in the previous point, clean up the booth. It’s better to be in good terms with the staff.
Moisturize your skin regularly to make it flexible and soft. Owing to that, your tan will last longer.
Remember that the first tanning session should last 5 to 8 minutes. Gradually add a few minutes each time you tan and make sure that there are 24 – 48 hours’ intervals between the sessions. The lighter your complexion is, the longer the breaks should be.