Tanning and laser hair removal - yes or no?
You often ask us whether you have to give up tanning after some aesthetic medicine treatments. Can you tan after laser hair removal? Do you have to give up tanning in a salon after botox? We decided to select some of the most frequently asked questions and answer them in today's article.
Tanning before or after Botox?
One of the frequently chosen anti-wrinkle agents, especially to reduce facial wrinkles, is botulinum toxin, known commonly as Botox. Tanning and Botox is a bit of a complex subject. It might seem that since the preparation is administered using a syringe fitted with a very thin needle. It has no effect on the layers of the skin where the tanning process takes place. However, experts advise that excessive exposure to solar radiation (either from the sun or a tanning salon visits) should be avoided for at least a few days after the procedure.
Why? The reason are the side effects that some people experience, such as swelling or redness. Specialists also point out that a certain time is needed (about 10 days) for the development of botulinum toxin in the muscles. If the body is exposed to the sun too early causing its temperature to rise, the botulinum toxin decomposition process will take place much faster (before it has time to work) and the effect will not be as satisfying.
The same principles should be applied to treatments that use hyaluronic acid.
Tanning and depilation - yes or no?
The traditional method of depilation using a razor is not a contraindication to tanning. On the contrary - we can treat it as a form of preparation for tanning. We wrote about what else is worth remembering before sunbathing HERE. Cleansed and hairless skin absorbs UV rays more efficiently, and thus the tanning effect is more even.
However, in the case of the recently popular laser hair removal procedure, the issue of tanning is a bit more complicated. This is due to the specificity of the laser operation, which emits a beam of light directed at the hair. The greater the contrast between the color of the hair and the color of the skin, the more effective the functionality of the laser. Because of that, it is not recommended to excessively build up tan before this type of treatment.
Many specialists recommend using laser hair removal in the fall and winter seasons, when our complexion is generally brighter. What if, due to an important event, we need a tan, despite scheduled laser hair removal sessions? In that case, self-tanning products or spray tanning come to the rescue! The tan obtained this way lasts about a week. After this time, you can go for laser hair removal without any hesitation.
It is also worth mentioning depilation with wax, sugar paste or using an epilator. When considering tanning and waxing, you have to bear in mind that during these treatments the hair is pulled out together with its bulb, after their completion the skin also needs time to regenerate, especially when irritations occur.
Tanning after permanent makeup?
Applying permanent makeup can be compared to creating a tattoo. In both cases, we are dealing with the introduction of pigment. After each of these treatments, special care should be taken when staying in the sun or tanning in a sunbed.
Firstly, wait patiently for the skin to heal. The regeneration time varies for each individual. It is worth consulting with the person who performed the procedure to learn how much time is usually needed to be able to take advantage of a tanning session.
Tanning and tattoos
Remember to use balms and sunbed creams that are meant for people with tattoos. Our recomendation is the bronzing tanning lotion - Tattoo, which contains a composition of extracts that prevent the disintegration of the dye molecules applied to the skin. Thanks to this, the balm protects tattoos against the loss of color. On the other hand, when sunbathing, it is necessary to choose a product with a high level of UV protection (for example SPF 50).
Tanning - when peeling?
Peels remove dead, calloused epidermis, which can be an obstacle to obtaining a lasting and even tan. However, it is worth bearing in mind that a wide range of exfoliating treatments is currently available. Thanks to that the recommendations for tanning after such treatments are also diverse.
A good example is cavitation peeling, after which a minimum 7-day regeneration period is recommended. The situation is similar in the case of one of the most popular types of mechanical peeling - microdermabrasion, after which you should wait a few days for the skin to regenerate. Otherwise, unsightly discolorations may appear.
To summerize: Not all aesthetic treatments go hand in hand with sunbathing or sunbed tanning. You should not tan excessively before treatments, because most of them can be done only on the skin without any irritation. We recommend temporarily limiting the exposure of the body to UV radiation for these treatments to be fully effective. In case of any doubts, we advise you to contact an expert.