Tanning after beauty treatments
Many of the most frequently asked questions concern getting a tan after some beauty and cosmetic procedures. In order to answer them earnestly we chose the most popular ones, focused on what experts say, provided brief explanation why the given no-tanning time is recommended and tried to suggest some alternatives for the tan-lovers. So if are an avid tanner and you had any of the beauty treatments done recently or you are planning to undergo one, please keep on reading.
Can I tan after having facial and lip fillers?
Experts recommend staying out of the sun, as well as tanning booths, for at least a week after the treatment. The main reason for that is that the overexposure to sun can inhibit the way fillers work in our body. Therefore, only when you avoid tanning for a certain amount of time, these components can properly react and you can fully benefit from this process. Tanning should also be avoided when the treatment left a bruise on your skin. When it comes to lip fillers, you should bear in mind that this is a highly sensitive area which needs intense protection. For that reason you should avoid tanning for about two weeks after the treatment. And even if the swelling disappears from that area, you should still be very careful and apply liberally a high SPF protection lip balms.
Waxing before and after tanning
Even though hair removal is recommended before getting a tan (whether it be a fake tan, sunbathing or tanning in a tanning bed), there are some precautions to be taken. First of all, do not wax over skin irritations, such as sunburns, even if there are not visible. Take enough time to let it fully recover before you make an appointment at the wax salon. Meanwhile you can use products which help relieve and soothe the skin, often enriched with panthenol or aloe. You should also be careful the other way round: waxing can leave your skin irritated, more sensitive and more prone to abrasions.
Waxing is a frequently chosen way of hair removal before spray tanning or self-tan application. Effective as it is, it should be done two or three days before the sunless tanning to avoid lingering redness and skin abrasions which will not look pretty when covered with a self-tanner. This is crucial especially for those who have never had waxing done and cannot predict the reaction of their skin to that treatment. In such a case it is recommended to stick to tried and proven ways of hair removal, such as shaving.
Tanning after getting a tattoo
Tattoo is a body modification which undergoes a complex healing process, including swelling, itching and even peeling. Therefore you should give up on tanning until the healing is over (which can take up to a few months) and definitely should not tan right after getting a tattoo. During that time you can use fake tan, such as spray tanning or products to apply at home. (Our No-Lie Self-Tan Bronzing Mousse will surely live up to all your tanning expectations!) When your tattoo is fully healed up, you can go back to sunbathing or sunbed tanning but what you have to bear in mind is protecting the vividness of your ink works. There is no escaping the fact that excessive UV exposure leads to breaking down the ink molecules and, as a result, your tattoos can start to fade. To prevent that process you should choose tanning products enriched with ingredients known as anti-oxidants which protect these molecules against disintegrating and keep the colors strong and naturally shielded. This is exactly how Tattoo, our sunbed bronzing intensifier, works with the use of the innovative Ink Care Formula, composed of precious oils and fruit extracts.
Tanning after permanent makeup
In many respects permanent makeup is similar to getting a tattoo. Therefore, in both cases, nothing can be as effective as moderation in tanning and avoiding it mostly during 30 days after the procedure, even though the healing process is a highly individual one. Some experts say that excessive tanning or sunlight exposure may cause the color to turn slightly lighter and ashy. In order to prevent that, whenever outdoors apply a sunscreen and wear a hat.
If you have used treatments which are not included in this list and may troublesome when combined with a tanning routine, please let us know. And whenever you are in doubts concerning the healing process or your skin readiness to tan, see your doctor right away to make sure it is the right time to get a tan safely.